Saturday, January 17, 2009

Caminho do Mar

she is my favorite
Estou aqui neste lugar,
onde a areia encontra o mar.
Estive aqui já faz um tempo,
observando o movimento.
Agora sei porque estou aqui,
pra aprender, ensinar e compartir.
Eu aprendi a lidar com solidão,
ensinei com muita compaixão,
e compartimos momentos de coração.
Em breve sei que vou embarcar,
no caminho do sol, do vento e do mar.
Sunrise at Surfside
This poem was written this afternoon and it marks the closing process of my stay in Miami, as I will depart towards Key West the morning after I receive the SolarRider. This is also my first non-english post, I know there will be more to come, so get your dictionaries out if you don't understand. hehe...

go to my flickr page to see all photos and videos

The Obama Man...
Super Obama
I don't really want to talk politics on this blog, how ever I did want to share this poster that is up at in the house where I've been calling home. Thanks for the extended hospitality guys! I'll be sure to leave only good memories when I leave!

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