Saturday, June 27, 2009

IC the end

Some of you know already and the rest will learn by the end of this post,

Whenever I talk about Infinity Cycle (IC) to any one, I have always tried to include the fact that this is a spiritual journey above anything else. That I'm always open to finding what I seek and decide to stay or go somewhere else.

I'm cycling and promoting Bikes Without Borders along the way... they are a great not-for-profit organization whose aim I support very much and want to help with their projects in anyway I can. If you haven't already you should check out their homepage and consider getting involved. However as it regards to IC, I think I have done most of my work with them while in the US. Talking and spreading the word making future contacts for them. The truth is I can't do much work down here and neither have I been given instruction as to how to proceed in this situation.

I have previously mentioned my girlfriend, Luiza, and the fact is that she came to Honduras to see me in other posts. We stayed together for a week and had a wonderful time exploring the area and a future together. This time had a great impact on our relationship. Though I had a great time cycling the week after she left, I frequently found my mind to be somewhere else other then where I was.

Arriving in Tegucigalpa, Honduras capital city at 1200m above sea level, I got myself a small, simple & cheap hotel room and made it my home for 6 days. During this time I began to speculate the idea of moving on wards with life, transforming IC (I see) into ISAW. From experience, I know that when I start to speculate & investigate an idea in my mind, doors begin to open. Sometimes when it's the right idea it will bloom, like a flower does in the spring time and as this "new" path was being revealed in my minds eye, I notice that it had been there for quite sometime and since I had never paid any attention to it, it was dormant.

At this point I was super overwhelmed with this decision that seamed to have already taken place in my sub-conscious, and it was being revealed to me at this instant. Through out this whole process I had been on regular skype with Luiza, who was mostly giving me space to digest all the information, and trying to not give bias opinions. Even though I know she was happy with the decision that was about to take place.

After having travelled, for the last 9 months over the land and the sea covering around 8000km, the critical moment came, and I purchased a one way flight back Toronto. Within 10 hours I would be right back to where I had began. This fact simply blew my mind back to... the reality of travel that is true to most; check-in, boarding pass, flight delays, security, seat number, etc... - "I miss you Spicer..."

I feel that I have seen, learnt and experienced what IC was meant to offer me up to this point. I'm certain that should I have chosen to stick to the road, I would continue to be amazed with great experiences. In simple terms (which I'm very fond of) Let's just say I've been called to try something entirely different than what I was doing, that which I have not much experience with therefore I am whilling to take the plunge and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Perhaps this is my turn to try living a somewhat normal life for a while.

I understand that there may have been some of you who lived vicariously on this blog. To this, have not much to say expept that I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but IC was not a reality show. I really wish that you got inspired enough to get off your butt and do what you always wanted to do, go where you always wanted to go and see what you have always wanted to see. As soon as you begging to investigate the possibilities you might notice that doors begin to open for you. Take the plunge, try something mew!

"live your life's dream before they become real, in time they will manifest themselves naturally, and your life will become that which you were already living." - Lalo P.

During the last nine months, my commitment to keeping up this blog has lead me to a few life realizations. One is that I have discovered an aptitude of writing, as I frequently received complements on the writings contained on the blog. Something I was not aware of in my earlier days, and do intend to keep writing as I go about other things in life. Another thing that I became more confident through your feedback was my eye for photography, Thank you for your words of encouragement. In fact I do intend to keep using this blog as a place to post life as it presents itself to me. I also do plan on publishing a collection of my work sometime in the future, stay tuned...

Like always, I'm always receptive to all your comments and question you may post them as a comment online or send me a private email . Don't be a stranger


Lu Proença said...

Quero registrar que tenho um orgulho imenso de vc.. das suas escolhas, da sua transparência, do seu amor pelo mundo, pelas coisas e pelas pessoas... e tenho certeza que esse seu ciclo de vida será eterno... e não termina agora...
ti amu

Becs said...

Lalo. I made a decision like this once - when I was in India, and I'd travelled to Goa with Parvin. He went back to Mumbai and I stayed to travel the area and one day, as we were speaking on the phone, he asked when I was coming back, and I said "maybe a week, I'm not sure" and he was super surprised that I wasn't back. He told me he had planned a holiday party and wanted me to be there. After I put down the phone I realized that I was in a foreign country and someone wanted me to be around, and I made the quick decision that I should find any way possible to go. There's noone who gets dissapointed by this decision and there's no expectation. You have to do what is best for you on a daily basis. Glad you've had the experiences you've had. We are very similar in our approach to the world, I think. Welcome home.

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I have enjoyed watching your journey. You camped at our site on the Niagara River. Maybe see you there this summer. lol.. I'm glad that things have been safe. I'm quite pleased for you. All the best in your endeavours.