Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bienvenido a Tijuana...

Playas de Tijuana
Playas de Tijuana

WOW... what a contrast it was when crossing the border from the US into Tijuana, Mexico. The air, the heat, the noise, the smells, the colours, the faces and bodily expressions, I felt that this is more of along the lines of context that I grew up with as a child in Brazil...

"the other side"
Playing "cross to the other side" and seeing
if the border patrol comes to catch me!

Even though the Canadian in me might feel out of my confort zone, It is overpowered by a sence of familiarity and survival. A Lust for Life if you will... I can think of oher instances that I felt this similar emotion, and right of the bad most of them happened in the devoloping world (sorry for the lack of politicaly correct terms :-)

Watch Cameras
Watch Cameras with hyper sensitive mics that can hear normal spoken
voice from a great distance :-)

In short, my two days in Mexico sparked a flavour that I had forgotten, and I feel more inclined to head to the other side in the near future... stay tuned for further thoughts of this matter...

Sunset in playas de Tijuana
Sunset in playas de Tijuana

Enjoy the photos and videos on my flickr page (click here)

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