Thursday, April 23, 2009

South Shore of Cuba

Hello everyone,

This is yet another post with no pictures and very brief. We are still in Cuba, we sailing across to the south shore and are now anchored on the small town of La Coloma. From here, it looks like we will be headed to Isla de la Juventud, where we´ll stay for a few days then, hit the sea for 3'4 days in a southwest direction toward Central America, Honduras or Guatemala. Where ever it turn out we arrive, I´ll get of with a heart full of gratitude and continue on my own. I do have plans to visit Anna and Andy in Roatan in all goes well I should be there around the 10th of may.

When I reach the continent, I´ll dedicate some time to update and up load photos, video about the sailing adventure I got my self in to!!!

Lots of love and light from the south shores of Cuba!!!



Unknown said...

Glad to see all is well Lalissimo...Miss you dude....Cant wait to see the pics when you get to Central America.....God Bless

Luiza said...

Neguinho!!!Feliz pelas notícias.. aproveite muitoooo a terrinha... muitos ventos bons para vcs.. saudadesssss enormes.. ti amo bjisssss
ps: quando chegar na Central America por favor hein!!! Arruma um telefone, ou skype ou algo para falarmos.. quase 2 meses sem ouvir sua voz já..