It will be a week tomorrow that I have been in full commitment to Patrick and Melanie's sail boat. We are working hard to get everything in order, and we are basically ready to go but we missed the last window to cross the gulf stream, because we are still waiting for a specialized part to arrive in the mail. We are in the mercy of the direction of the wind to tell us when to go, a window usually opens up around every 7 days, so it seams we will be here for another few day still, which will be useful to get the last details sorted out.

All the sails where open, that boat catches a lot of wind
Enjoy the photos and videos on my flickr page (click here)
This past week has been great. Every day I go from "Otarie" Sail Boat to where Quick Silver is docked. we work for the days and then I go back to Otarie to eat and sleep... It has been a true pleasure to be doing this everyday. I got to meet the crew of a Canadian Sail Boat called Ghost Dance. Gram, Rob and Joanne very friendly peeps from New Brunswick, Canada.
Quick Silver's first ride on open waters... It was very foggy that day, .5 km visibility. This is Jameson, Pat's friend who was working with us.
Enjoy the photos and videos on my flickr page (click here)
It takes about 25 minutes to row from Quick Silver to Otarie that is anchored at the end of the harbour, and it is usually a very enjoyable ride weather in the morning, dusk or night time...Enjoy the photos and videos on my flickr page (click here)
This is the v-birth of Otarie, where I sleep at night, that window allows for the moonlight to shine thought on my face... delicious nights!
Enjoy the photos and videos on my flickr page (click here)
Enjoy the photos and videos on my flickr page (click here)
I'm hopping I get to see my friends from Conch key before I leave the states for good.
Moments before the sunset, I was rowing under the Boot Key Bridge on my to Otarie!
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