Today I completed just over 2000km since Toronto.
My future route is really up in the air. As I have not decided how I'll leave the states, There are two options:
Bike south into Florida I hit Tampa Bay. There I would get a Ferry boat to Cancun, MX. = The positive of this option is that I would be well into Latin America by the new year and would throughly benefit Cancun area and Belize.
Bike to south and once hitting Florida's pan handle, head west crossing the mid eastern shore of the gulf of Mexico in through Louisiana, Texas and Mexico always staying on the shore as much as possible. = the advantages of these are more time to get to know different parts of the US, possible contact in Tallahassee, Texas (one friend I don't know where and a WWOOFing near the MX border) as well as Tampico, MX (Bill let me know if this interest you to come out for a visit). This route will be a lot more road and the ferry of course.
Now is the time for you to get involved and take an active part on this trip by writing a comment bellow or sending me an email if you have any tips, warnings, more contacts, or ideas of what route should I go... Looking forward to your feedback!!!
Hey Lalo
so happy to read about your adventures. I'll be checking in regularly
Hey dude, I would say ride...I don't know how interesting Florida is, but I imagine it's not that great, except for the everglades.
Also, if you take option 2, don't necessarily stick to the coast...sometimes things are better inland, even if just a little distance in. I regret having always stuck to the coast when i was riding along eastern Spain...inland would have provided more interest in parts, as well as cheaper costs, because all the tourists go to the coast.
Anyway, keep on typing your's fun to read! :-)
Hj veio um moço entregar um pacote aqui em casa, e conversando com ele, ele me falou que acabou de chegar de Cuba!!! O que eles fazem na chegada ao país é te dão um papel de visto, carimbam nele quando vc entra, e quando vc sai, não usam nem o passaporte para carimbar.. para não ficar registrado!!Ele acabou de chegar de lá!!! OHHHHHH!! Será que não vale a pena considerar?? Ele falou que é sussa, só chegar :)
I'd go with the second option and get more biking in. You could always dip into Florida. It'd be fascinating to see Louisiana. And think of all of Mexico you'll miss if you ferry it all the way to Cancun. Either way, though, I'm sure you'll have a blast. We're all following you here in Valencia.
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