Monday, December 29, 2008
New Year Resolutions
Friday, December 19, 2008
"Good things come to those who wait"
The past weeks, I have enjoyed making new friendships, cycling around Miami and attending the beach regularly. I even got a chance to visit a great-cousin, in West Palm Beach. It was wonderful to visit family that I had not had the chance to get to know previously. She is great and has some beautiful paintings that my mother painted back in the late 70's. I had lots of memories from my childhood.
The Ocean has given me great guidance. It helped me to see that I need a lot of patience at this point of the journey, as I depend on others to move forward. I have gone to numerous ports and marinas without any luck thus far. One of my numerous spiritual walkabouts to the beach, it became clear to me that I have to broaden my intentions. I should not limit myself to Cuba, as a result I am now open toby passing Cuba, and go island hopping as long as I reach the continent sooner of later somewhere around Honduras.
I have joined, a site dedicated to linking boat owners with whillinng crew member, and I'm hopeful that I'll find my ride from there. They say that good things come to those who wait, well here I am! If this works, the though of sailing around these tropical islands for a while, is exhilarating, and I think would be a wonderful break from the bike life on the road... Sailing has actually been a desire of mine, but always very far from my reach, so I might be realizing a childhood dream.
Only as a last resort I would consider travelling back north to Tampa Bay to Catch the ferry to Cancun, But I do not want to go north for a long while...
If you have some time and would like to help me for your intentions, you can sit in silence for a little, then think about Louis and Julie who are Sailing their catamaran near the Bahamas and ask them to please accept me as one of their crew members, on the way to Honduras!
Happy Holidays greetings to all!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Atlantic Blue
So I have been in Miami for a full week now and have throughly enjoyed my stay. I have been blessed to be at Miguel's house that is steps away to the beach. It is a real pleasure to bathe and be cleansed by the salt waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
I'm looking into stay here a few more days, I want to visit my grandmother's cousin in West Palm Beach (Clara). And the following week hopefully got to Bee Heaven Farm in Homestead, FL.
Grape Feast
The first four days of my stay in Miami, I was with my good friend Viviana. I loved playing with her son Brian and his friends. This photo was taken at Vivi's birthday at the beach. From the left, Vivi, Brian, Paolo and Nathan.
Please click on the picture to visit my Flickr page and see of my photos choose to see a slide show version.
all the best!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Atlantic Ocean
I finally touched to Atlantic Ocean once again, since leaving Virginia's Eastern Shore... This time alot warmer and more inviting...
Agua de coco

Biking around the southern coast near Palm Beach, FL. This man was up on the coconut trees trimming the branches and coconuts. I asked him what he was going to do with them, he said it would all go to the dump. No body would drink it, they don't care for it?! What a waste, I thought, so with my pocket knife I managed to open and drink out of three (3) coconuts... mmm sweet memories of Brazil!
Playing with the leafs
Florida the sunshine state

Florida has been all that it is. Many of you warned me about the boringness of the state, and how there was nothing to see. I could say that you were partially right on this one, however beside the wonderfull cenery of the citrus trees, spanish moss and blue skies; it provided me with alot of un-interupted time to spend with my self and re-think of priorities, need and disires of this trip.

After cycling for 7 days, I had one day rest in Jupiter at Joe's house, than one more day of cycling, I find my self in Miami, at Viviana, Mark and little Brian's home, while I look around for ways to reach my next destination, Cuba. I'm hoping to do some volunteering at the Bee Heaven Farm in Homestead, Florida.
Please enjoy the pictures I have posted on Flickr by clicking on any of the pictures.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dog Chase
That little guy was one of the fastest dog that ever chased me, and he ran for quite a while until I thought of filming him...
Spanish Close-up
Perry, Florida
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Reflections in Tallahassee
This week I also decided to take the 3rd but original route, (that I did not mention last time I asked for your opinion) to ride to south Florida and go to Cuba by boat, most likely via an island on Caribbean. But since I have been so in-tune with spontaneous coincidences and intuitive intentions, I will try my luck on the direct route before I opt for the way around.
If you have any suggestion, idea or connections that may be of help on this route: Please post a comment or write me an email.
Thanks everyone who email or posted a comment, even though I decided with neither of the proposed routes, your words and support are always very appreciated!
While on the road I had had a lot of time to think about life, Thus, I was prepared when the spontaneous 3-way (skype) call hosted by my brother happened: I'm so happy to say that a few days ago my father and I finally talked and resolved our difference of opinions with greater understanding and care for each other. Pai, ti amo!
warm wishes on this cold night! I'm going to bed :-)
Morning Ritual
My daily activities here in Tallahassee are summed up in this short video. I've been taking quick dips early in the mornings, as protest to the cold spell we have been getting. This is the Canadian in me shinning through!!!
The eye of a dragon
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Live Oak Tree, with Spanish Moss

blue skies of Florida
You can watch a slide show of my photos on Flickr
or click on the images to go the my flickr site
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
50% of it will go toward supporting Bikes Without Borders and their programs, and
50% will go directly to help keep me on the cycle, the InfinityCycle.
Please donate generously if you can!
Thank you!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The long haul to Florida
Saturday morning, as almost all the rain had fallen and the sky was opening up towards the south, I biked 71 miles to Tifton, GA and stayed at Earl and June's (thanks for everything:-) back yard underneath a loaded persimmon tree ("caquizeiro"). It was quite nice to see such a tropical fruit a plenty, in front of me, It made me feel like I was actually getting somewhere.
The second haul came the following morning, I was expecting to arrive at Susan's home in Tallahassee between 4 and 5 pm. It was a blue sky and windy day, so I was able to pedal as hard as I wanted without sweating too much (a luxury I know I won't have in the southern hemisphere) I traveled 80 miles Sunday, into the state of Florida.
I will stay here for a few days to recharge and fatten up a bit (thanks to the Gunter family), I have been leaning towards my original route, which was to try and get to Cuba. If this is so I would cycle south on some more until reaching Miami.
In between here and there I would like to do some WWOOFing and I'm contacting some farms as we speak to see if we could work something out...
What I need from you, the reader, in opinions and ideas as to how I would go about in getting on a boat that would eventually hit Cuba.
If this idea fails terribly, there is always Cancun. but I think the Texas route is out of mind...
Route Cycled: updated Nov 17
Here I am today in Tallahassee, Florida
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Into Georgia
North and South Carolinas and Georgia has so far brought to me a lot of mix emotions, I have gone through places that look a lot like the Chapadinha, my birthplace in Brazil. Lots of plantation of pine trees, the red soil and random goats everywhere, it almost seems like they have them for pets.
I have never taken a picture of a road kill, however this one as disgusting as it maybe, I turned around to take a shot, because is capture the exact moment of death, I can feel the fear, the anger and the desperation of this animal at moment of his death. We should be ashamed of our selves, cause there are A LOT of dead animals on the the side of the roads. They died, so that we could go faster. I have seen lots of full grown deers, raccoons, dogs, cats, birds, foxes, coyotes, tatu, snakes, porcupine, and many others... Let this dogs expression speak for them all. and be a cautious driver.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
South Carolina the state of smiling faces :-)
This morning as I was on church property getting ready to hit the road I was greeted by lots of friendly people as they arrived for the Sunday morning service. My legs were still sore, especially the right one,
So off I went into the deepness of South Carolina on route 601. I strolled into a all you can eat lunch and I thought that was heaven sent just for me
November 10, Camden to Lexington
On the way from Camden to Columbia, I stopped at a local bike shop to get a little gear tune-up and get a few bike parts for the road. Crossing Columbia was nice and as I reached Lexington, I walked in to this wonderfully looking farmers market shop with a great atmosphere. Amongst everyone, there was Clinton, who graciously offered
November 11, Lexington to Aiken, SC
What a great day, everything was smooth, I realized that I need to get on the road earlier in the morning, cause after the time change last week, sun set in at 5:20 and I need to start scouting for a place the sleep around 3pm. so my day is much shorter and
I got to Aiken and met Nicole, who was writing and singing on her porch so I stopped by to chat. and we talked about many things, she told me to come to the New Moon Cafe. So I did and here I am, writting this blog. I met Travis, who works here and offered me to camp on his yard tonight, it is nice to have some time to sit down and relax, online... Peace out
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Charlotte, NC to Pageland, SC
Today I completed just over 2000km since Toronto.
My future route is really up in the air. As I have not decided how I'll leave the states, There are two options:
Bike south into Florida I hit Tampa Bay. There I would get a Ferry boat to Cancun, MX. = The positive of this option is that I would be well into Latin America by the new year and would throughly benefit Cancun area and Belize.
Bike to south and once hitting Florida's pan handle, head west crossing the mid eastern shore of the gulf of Mexico in through Louisiana, Texas and Mexico always staying on the shore as much as possible. = the advantages of these are more time to get to know different parts of the US, possible contact in Tallahassee, Texas (one friend I don't know where and a WWOOFing near the MX border) as well as Tampico, MX (Bill let me know if this interest you to come out for a visit). This route will be a lot more road and the ferry of course.
Now is the time for you to get involved and take an active part on this trip by writing a comment bellow or sending me an email if you have any tips, warnings, more contacts, or ideas of what route should I go... Looking forward to your feedback!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Week off in Charlotte
Monday, November 3, 2008
Route Cycled: updated on October 31, 2008
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Pictures from North Carolina
To Frank and Dina Snider - I have been think about you two and would love to get your contact. Please email me if you are reading this...
About Me
Blog Archive
- Dog Chase
- Spanish Close-up
- Perry, Florida
- Cardinal
- Reflections in Tallahassee
- Morning Ritual
- The eye of a dragon
- Live Oak Tree, with Spanish Moss
- Florida starts here!
- Persimmon = caqui
- Camped under the persimmon tree
- I just wanted to let you know, that finally I got ...
- Flickr
- The long haul to Florida
- Route Cycled: updated Nov 17
- Into Georgia
- South Carolina the state of smiling faces :-)
- Charlotte, NC to Pageland, SC
- Week off in Charlotte
- Route Cycled: updated on October 31, 2008
- Pictures from North Carolina
Make a donation
Distance Traveled:
- 4906mi/7895km -06/18/09 - HND
- > Cycled - 3332mi / 5462km
- > Sailed - 1368nm / 2433km
- 4549mi/7321km - 05/21/09 - HND
- 4143mi/6668km - 05/12/09 - CI
- 3975mi / 6398km - 05/05/09 - CU
- 3038mi / 4889km - 03/19/09 - CU
- 2666mi / 4292km - 01/30/09 - FL
- 2268mi / 3651km - 12/2/08 - FL
- 1752mi / 2820km - 11/16/08 - FL
- 1234mi / 1986km - 10/31/08 - NC
- 563mi / 907km - 10/16/08 - NYC
- 0mi / 0km - 10/6/08 - Toronto, ON